Day Two
An interview with BJ Fogg
on creating habits that stick

Listen to the audio here:

*click play to listen


In this interview you’ll learn:

  • Practical steps to creating habits that actually last
  • What to do if you find you’re desired habit is not working
  • The key reason why most people fail when trying to create new habits and how to overcome this common obstacle
  • Why you need more than motivation to create a habit that lasts and how to create habits that will survive even after your motivation dwindles

Mindfulness is a key practice that will start to open up new insights into your own way of being and doing.

Many of the patterns that emerge in your meditation practice will be the same as the ones that play out in your daily life.

Getting impatient? Doubting the practice? Feel like your not doing it well enough? Falling asleep and checking out? These are all things that may come up as you continue the practice during these next weeks – notice how many of these feelings may be familiar in your daily life, when you’re not meditating.

Don’t forget to meditate today


*click play to listen to the meditation

How did you find the mindfulness of breath practice?

What obstacles, if any did you experience during the breath practice?

When I started mindfulness meditation I remember struggling with the feeling of boredom whilst meditating. It wasn’t clear to me how focussing on something as ordinary as the breath, could be anything but a waste of time.

I was a compulsive DOER, so sitting still was so difficult.

In many ways I still am a bit of a compulsive DOER… BUT through mindfulness meditation, I have learned how to pause, literally “catch my breath” and slow down, so that my doing doesn’t completely burn me out.

Over time, mindfulness meditation really helps us to recognise our own habits of mind and habits of behaviour. The key is learning practices to balance out our natural habits.

Are you someone who tends to have trouble slowing down? Or perhaps you are someone who has more of a difficult time getting motivated?

Either way – the key to personal transformation and growth is first recognising our own ways of being and then taking actions to find more balance.

stay on track

Mark off your daily meditation here


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