Please try refreshing your browser and if that does not work clear your cache under the History tab. If this doesn’t work the site may indeed be down in which case you should email [email protected]. Please put POP course into the email subject
Visit login page courses.mindlifeproject.com and click on the “Forgot Password” link. This will send you an email with your login details to the members area.
Your email is the one that you enrolled in the program with. If you have forgotten your email please write to [email protected] and we will check your email address.
Please check your username and password closely. If there are any spaces before or after the password this will cause an error or any extra characters when you enter them in it will not work. Try copy and pasting the details from one of our emails to you. Be sure to record your passwords in a safe place especially if you change them!
Please login to the membership area and navigate to Your Profile* which you’ll find in the top right of the screen. You may then update your username. Your username does not have to be an email address. Please note, by updating your email here it DOES NOT update the email we have on file for your email communications.
Please login to the membership area and navigate to Your Profile*. You may then update your password. Be sure to record your new password in a safe place!
We took your payment details when you registered, but if at any point during the first week you decide you don't want to continue with the program you simply need to visit the account section of the course and click 'cancel POP trial' and you will not be charged the course fees. We will also email you 48 hours before the 7th day to give you an option to opt-out.
Having said this, the Power of Presence is LIFE changing, so it's unlikely you will want to cancel once you start going through the course materials.