Day Five
Miracle of The Breath and Body


We can so easily take our bodies for granted and ignore the warning signs of stress until we end up in burn out.

As a doctor, I had the privilege of learning about the body from the inside out. One of the most awe-inspiring moments of my training was holding a real human brain in my hands and being captivated by the mystery and miracle of this 3 kilogram tofu like substance that contained a lifetime of memories, feelings and thoughts.

I found myself incredibly grateful and overwhelmed by the complete miracle of the body.

This body. My body. Your body. Sitting here. Now. Breathing.

To this day, one of the biggest gifts of studying medicine was having this unique perspective which infused me with gratitude. It’s the kind of gratitude that arises daily.

As a way of reconnecting you with the intelligence and miracle of your own body, I created a guided mindfulness practice that brings your awareness to the body and encourages you to actively be grateful for this miracle that we so often take for granted. In doing this, you can also be more mindful of how you are relating to your body and notice when you may be pushing it beyond its healthy limits through not getting enough sleep, eating poorly or not exercising enough.

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