Day Four

Today's meditations

Coming home to the breath with Tara Brach

Tara Brach, PhD is an internationally renowned meditation teacher, clinical psychologist, founder of the Insight Meditation Centre in Washington D.C and author of bestselling books Radical Acceptance, True Refuge, Radical Compassion and her latest book Trust in the Gold. Her popular weekly podcast addressing the power of meditation to relieve emotional suffering and serve spiritual awakening is downloaded 3 million times a month in more than 200 countries.

activating Curiosity 6 min meditation by Judson Brewer

Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D, is an American psychiatrist, neuroscientist and New York Times best-selling author. He studies the neural mechanisms of mindfulness using standard and real-time fMRI, and has translated research findings into programs to treat addictions.

No Time To Meditate: A 5 minute meditation with Elise Bialylew

Bonus:  This meditation is available for you to download and keep.

Mindfulness Daily Tip

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” 

~ Zig Ziglar 



Mindfulness is not just about sitting silently in meditation. There are many ways we can integrate mindfulness. It is simply the art of remembering to pause throughout the day and be present in the moment. I always like to include this practice because it’s simple and easy to do, but the hard part is remembering to do it.

So today, and every other day, try to make a point of doing this practice. 

The Mindful STOP is a practice that helps you remember to pause, get out of automatic pilot, and physically catch your breath throughout the day.

It’s a quick and simple way to remember to connect with yourself which creates greater potential for presence and wisdom in daily life.

Steps to practising the mindful STOP:

S – Stop.

T – Take three mindful breaths, feeling the sensation of the breath as it flows in and out.

O – Observe the body, notice any tension and actively let it go.

P – Proceed with your day.

Set an alarm on your phone to ring at two random times today with the word STOP. 

When you see the reminder, pause for a few moments to practise the STOP exercise. 

Just like getting physically fit, you need to commit to the practice to experience the results of a mind that is functioning at its best.

If you’re active in the Facebook community or on Instagram, share what you notice after practising a few STOPs throughout the day.

stay on track

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