Day Twenty-seven

DAY 27: Dr Elise Bialylew interviews Lori Schwanbeck

Video Objectives

In this video, you'll learn:

  • How mindfulness can be helpful at work
  • A powerful mindfulness practice that takes less than 3 minutes and will transform your day for the better
  • Cutting edge research to support the benefits of mindfulness
  • How mindfulness can make you a better leader (at home and at work!)
  • How mindfulness can help you be more assertive
About Lori Schwanbeck

Prefer to listen, rather than watch? Click the play button below.

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id='895' comment='MLP22']Want to read the transcript from this interview? Mind Life Project members receive access to interview transcripts and 6 months of mindfulness support, live meditations, and more👇[/accessally_missing_any_tag]

[accessally_has_any_tag tag_id='895' comment='MLP22']Mind Life Project Bonus Content:

Download your transcript for this interview with Lori Schwanbeck.[/accessally_has_any_tag]

Your meditation for today

Lovingkindness Meditation with Bodhipaksa
(5 min)

Creating Connection with Lori Schwanbeck

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It can be easy to acknowledge the good in others, but today, take some time to think about the good within yourself. Try this practice with a playful, light-hearted attitude.

If you’ve done this practice before, try it again. It’s a totally different experience every time. 

Write a letter to yourself as if you were writing to a friend to acknowledge what you most value and admire about them.

Start the letter with “Dear [insert your own name]”.

Set a timer for five minutes and let your pen flow.

Write about the strengths you most value about yourself and moments of generosity, courage, forgiveness, or times you moved out of your comfort zone in order to expand and grow. Write as if you were writing to a friend to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life and to let them know what you admire about them.

As you write, be mindful of any thoughts, feelings, or body sensations that come up from moment to moment. Notice any resistance to doing this practice or any skepticism. Remember that it’s just an experiment and an opportunity to explore what it’s like to bring kindness to yourself, so try it out with an open mind and playful heart and see what you discover.

Keep this letter and refer back to it from time to time to support your daily diet of positive emotions and wellbeing.

Share what you noticed about doing this practice in the Facebook group.

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