Day Twenty-six

DAY 26: Dr Elise Bialylew interviews scott shute

Video Objectives

In this video, you'll learn:

  • How mindfulness can be useful in the workplace
  • The power of compassion and easy ways to practice it and build greater resilience 
  • How to balance doing and being
  • How mindfulness can support better leadership
About Scott Shute

Prefer to listen, rather than watch? Click the play button below.

[accessally_missing_any_tag tag_id='895' comment='MLP22']Want to read the transcript from this interview? Mind Life Project members receive access to interview transcripts and 6 months of mindfulness support, live meditations, and more👇[/accessally_missing_any_tag]

[accessally_has_any_tag tag_id='895' comment='MLP22']Mind Life Project Bonus Content:

Click here to download your transcript of Dr Elise Bialylew's interview with Scott Shute. [/accessally_has_any_tag]

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Today I invite you to experiment with the mindful work practice below as a simple way to stay focused, manage overwhelm, and move from multi-tasking to mono-tasking in order to maximise your efficiency.

Choose one task that you will focus on during the set time period.

  • Get a plain piece of paper and pen and have them by your computer or workspace.
  • Set an intention to stay focused for your set period of time. Set a timer for thirty minutes.
  • When you notice yourself getting distracted or feel an urge to move to another task (such as checking your email), simply note down the task or distraction on the paper and bring your attention back to the task. At the end of the thirty minutes, you can review your list and set your next priority.

For further time management and productivity hacks, consider downloading a Pomodoro app. The Pomodoro Technique was created in the 1980s by Francesco Cirillo, and it involves dividing your work time into twenty-five-minute increments of focused attention with regular breaks in between.

This technique helps bring more mindful awareness to the way we work, and supports efficiency and focus. There are several apps available to help you practise the Pomodoro Technique, and many of them free.

stay on track

mark off your daily progress here


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