Day Twenty-six

DAY 26: Dr Elise Bialylew interviews Emiliya


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Mind Life Project Bonus Content:

Download your Transcript here.


Video Objectives

In this video you’ll learn:

  • Her personal story of resilience
  • What is resilience and how can we grow it
  • Specific practices to build your resilience
  • How to more skilfully work with anger
  • What is heart rate variability and what can we do to improve it
About Emiliya Zhivotovskaya

Breath meditation - 20 minutes

by Elise Bialylew

*click play to listen to the meditation

Nourishing yourself with appreciation

Today we bring lovingkindness to ourselves through letter writing.

It can be easy to acknowledge the good in others but today take some time to think about the good within yourself. Try this practice with a playful, light hearted attitude.

Write a letter to yourself as if you were writing to a friend to acknowledge what you most value and admire about them.

Start the letter with “Dear [insert your own name]”.

Set a timer for five minutes and let your pen flow.

Write about the strengths you most value about yourself, moments of generosity, courage, forgiveness, or times you moved out of your comfort zone in order to expand and grow. Write as if you were writing to a friend to let them know how grateful you are to have them in your life and to let them know what you admire about them.

As you write, be mindful of any thoughts, feelings or body sensations that come up from moment to moment. Notice any resistance to doing this practice or any skepticism. Remember it’s just an experiment and an opportunity to explore what it’s like to bring kindness to yourself, so try it out with an open mind and playful heart and see what you discover.

Keep this letter and refer back to it from time to time to support your daily diet of positive emotions and wellbeing.

Share what you noticed about doing this practice in the private Facebook group.

Be Mindful after May
Continue your mindfulness journey for 6-months with guidance from Elise and extend your access to the Mindful in May program. Register before June 1st and save ~ $200.

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