‘Don’t think that only sitting with the eyes closed is meditation practice. Steady practice is keeping mindful in every posture, whether sitting, walking, standing or lying down.’
~Ajahn Chah
I want to invite you to learn more about stress. This will help you understand the neurology of your own mind and brain so you can better understand how it works and what choices you have to use your brain to its highest potential.
Having a better understanding yourself is all a part of cultivating strong mental resilience.
One Minute Meditation

Today I want to introduce you to the One Minute Meditation.
Ok, so for those of you that still feel like "don't have time"...
In order to benefit from meditation, you don’t necessarily need to sit for long stretches of time.
Just one single minute can help you bring yourself back into the present moment.
While practising for longer is certainly going to bring more benefits, some days we just don’t have the time or energy for anything more than one minute. And that’s okay. It's important to try and build the habit by taking small steps. Being gentle and forgiving with ourselves is an important part of this process.
You’ll find the One Minute Meditation below and as a download on the Strong Minds meditation dashboard. If you want more time to meditate, feel free to do any of the other meditations in addition. The best part about the One Minute Meditation is that you can repeat it throughout the day whenever you get small windows of time.
Day 3: One minute meditation
I hope you’ll take some time today to complete day three in the workbook. If you haven’t yet downloaded it, you can get it here.
P.S If you’re having any struggles, please don’t be shy about visiting the Facebook community to ask for support. If you’re not on Facebook, reach out to my team directly at [email protected]