‘The body is your only home in the universe. It is your house of belonging here in the world. It is a very sacred temple. To spend time in silence before the mystery of your body brings you toward wisdom.’
~John O’Donohue
Welcome to day one! I’m so very glad to have you here with me, committing this time to improving your mind and life.
To get the most out of this course, I invite you to think about how, for the next five days, you can clear space around giving yourself the time to prioritise your self care. This means making the time to do the daily exercises I’ll be sending.
But it also means making decisions in other areas of your life that can minimise stress and maximise what you know is good for you.
The second task is this very calming meditation.

It’s called the Five Minute Breath meditation. Find it here in the meditation dashboard.
Often when we are dealing with high stress levels, or overwhelm the last thing we feel like doing is sitting still to meditate. It just feels too hard and we avoid it even though we know it’s good for us.
That’s where the Five Minute Breath meditation comes in handy. Often when we think about meditation we imagine ourselves sitting diligently for 20… 30… 40 minutes at a time with perfectly straight backs and clear, stress free minds.
But if you were traiining for a marathon you would build up your training a step at a time. We become mentally fit incrementally it's important to be patient and do shorter and more regular practice during the training process.
So lets start our training today with small do-able steps: just five minutes.
You can do it!
Whether lying down in bed or sitting in a relaxed but position in a chair or even your desk. Just close your eyes and follow my instructions. Feel free to repeat at several times throughout the day to consolidate your training.
N.B You can download all the meditations from the program here.
Day 1: Five minute breath
The final task for you today is this:
Download the Meditation Course for Beginners Workbook if you haven’t already. Complete the first three pages to work out how you can start to reduce stress in your life right now.
I’ve also got an exercise for you to test your current stress levels and to see how mindful you currently are. At the end of the five days, I will ask you to fill it out again so we can compare results and see if this practice has been of benefit.
That’s all you need to do for today.
Tomorrow I'll share an interview I did with an amazing "stress" expert. She'll share some highly practical and even life-changing advice to support you in dealing better with stress.
P.S If you know someone who might benefit from this course, or even a whole community or workplace, I’m sure they’d be grateful if you’d let them know. They can register here.