Day Twenty-seven
DAY 27: Dr Elise Bialylew interviews Dan Harris
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Mind Life Project Bonus Content:
Download your Transcript here.
In this video you’ll learn:
- How mindfulness can help with panic attacks and anxiety (a powerful personal story about how this TV presenter managed his panic attack on live TV)
- How to manage one of the most common obstacles that we all experience in meditation
- A powerful mantra you can bring to your meditation to manage difficult emotions and non-stop thinking
Connection - 12 minutes
by Vidyamala Burch
*click play to listen to the meditation
Vidyamala sustained spinal injuries as a young woman which required multiple surgeries and left her with partial paraplegia and severe chronic pain.She began to explore mindfulness and meditation in her twenties to manage her pain and found them profoundly life-changing and transformative. She founded Breathworks with Sona Fricker and Gary Hennessey in 2004, to share these tools to help others cope with pain and suffering. Breathworks has grown into a flourishing international organisation with 500+ accredited teachers in over 35 countries.
As part of our last week of Mindful in May you are invited to watch the online premiere of Shannon Harvey's documentary My Year of Living Mindfully. You can access a FREE screening of the film here until June 3rd.
Don't miss it!
MINdfulness for greater courage
To be able to live in an authentic way, where how we live on the outside is in alignment with what matters most to us on the inside, can take quite a bit of courage…
Whether that’s:
- Speaking out when we feel scared or fearful of being judged by others
- Acknowledging that the work we are doing isn’t aligned with what we truly value and taking the steps to start a new career
- Ending a relationship that’s not serving us or finding the strength to work on a relationship and stay while it's going through inevitable growing pains…
- Following a longstanding dream whether it’s to write a book, to sing, perform or start a new business..
Showing up in the world and living in a way that honours our true selves, or soul, is an important foundation for our happiness and wellbeing.
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can support greater courage and alignment in our lives. But How?
Mindfulness teaches us that we don’t have to believe all of our thoughts. This allows us to step out of the prison of our old limiting beliefs and experience new possibilities. eg. if you wanted to start a new business the thought may arise which says something like “I don’t know how to run a business, there’s no way I could make money by following my passion”
Mindfulness helps us learn how to stay with difficult emotions. Courage isn't the absence of fear, it's the ability to step forward despite the fear.…we have to feel the fear and do it anyway! As we become more experienced at mindfulness practice we get better at being able to stay calm amidst the storm of difficult emotions.
Mindfulness helps us build greater confidence as we get better at recovering from setbacks with more ease. We become less fearful of failure knowing that we are resilient and can face difficulties with greater strength.
Mindfulness brings us in contact with the truth of the impermanence of everything, including our own life. Getting deeply in touch with this sense of our own mortality makes us more courageous as we realise this is not a dress rehearsal, this is our life. Time passes quickly and this moment is as good as any to change things and take healthy courageous risks to live in a way that really reflects what we really want for ourselves. Time to leave that unfulfilling relationships, that soul destroying job and take the brave leaps that are needed to find deeper fulfilment and happiness.
Mindful Inquiry:
What area of your life is asking for more courage?
What is the smallest possible action you could take to move towards being more courageous in this area?
How might your lack of courage in this area, be protecting you?
What is it protecting you from?
Be Mindful after May
Continue your mindfulness journey for 6-months with guidance from Elise and extend your access to the Mindful in May program. Register before June 1st and save ~ $200.
stay on track
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If you'd like to make a donation and be part of this impact you can still do so right here - every $50 will bring clean water to one person for life!

Bonus Interviews
Watch Elise's conversations with four leading wellbeing experts.