Day Twenty-one
A day for reflection and integration and what happens after May?
Congratulations on getting to the end of week three!
Together we have had such a powerful impact on the lives of thousands through the funds raised for clean water.
Can you believe there's just over one more week to go?
Today there's a lot to share so be sure to scroll down to the end of this page so you don't miss your chance to go in the draw to win an amazing prize!
If you're reading this and you've been meditating most days (or even better ALL days this month), take a moment and give yourself a serious pat on the back! It's a BRILLIANT EFFORT! You're well on your way to making this a life long habit that's going to support you through all the challenges we face as human beings, and bring more appreciation into your life as you remember to actually be present to the many joys and delights.
Today is an integration day where you get a chance to catch up on content you may have missed and visit the MEDITATION page and choose whatever meditation you'd like to do.
ALSO.... I wanted to let you know in advance about a live guided closing meditation I'll be hosting for you on the 28th May. Put it in your diary. Details below..
You are invited to a Live guided meditation
WHEN: Thursday, May 28 at 08:30 PM AEDT
WHERE: Join us on Zoom using this link (Webinar ID: 886 112 587). N.B. The live call on Zoom is limited to 500 spots so we will also be live-streaming the call in our Facebook group.

What happens after May?
Whether you have meditated every day, every few days or you're in here feeling terrible because somehow, life has COMPLETELY knocked you around and you've not meditated one single day.... No problem.
Every moment is an opportunity to begin again - it's true.
This is the key to bringing meditation into your life in a long-lasting way.
So today - visit the MEDITATION page below and choose any meditation to get back on track.
What happens after May? How do I keep my regular practice going?
The Mindful in May program officially finishes on May 31st, with access to the online program available until Friday June 11th at midnight AEST.
However, I’m excited to be able to offer you an opportunity to continue your mindfulness journey through joining the 6-month Mind Life Project membership program.
What is the 6-month Mind Life Project membership?
It’s a 100% online, 6-month mindfulness follow up program that aims to sustain the benefits you have maintained through Mindful in May and support your ongoing practice, learning and growth. Learn more and register here (early bird before June 1st).
The program starts June 12th with your first email and the first live online guided meditation with Elise in July. When you join you’ll get:
and more...
Read more about it here and join before Friday 31st May midnight AEST to get the special price and save $200!
Be Mindful after May
Continue your mindfulness journey for 6-months with guidance from Elise and extend your access to the Mindful in May program. Register before June 1st and save ~ $200.
WIN one of 3 x FREE entries into the Mind Life Project membership
Simply create either a written testimonial or short video on your phone (30 seconds to 5 mins in length) outlining your Mindful in May experience by answering the question:
What did you most love about Mindful in May?
Submit it to us in order to go in the draw to win (NB. IMPT: these testimonials will be shared on the website and publicly).
Upload and post your video directly to our official Facebook page or Facebook group, and IMPORTANTLY hashtag #mimtestimonial so we can find it. Or send it to us as a direct message on Instagram or via email [email protected] with subject line MIMTESTIMONIAL. Be sure to leave your email so we can contact you.
Have fun with it, be bold and brave and you may just win one of 3 x FREE 6 month Mind Life Project memberships valued at $447 each (starts June 12th).
Winners will be contacted on May 31st (and refunded for the program, if already purchased).
stay on track
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If you'd like to make a donation and be part of this impact you can still do so right here - every $50 will bring clean water to one person for life!

Bonus Interviews
Watch Elise's conversations with four leading wellbeing experts.